Geocaching at the Hochkönig in Salzburg


Peter has hidden many treasures around the Arthur House! Find its treasures, experience fun and excitement together and discover the magnificent natural landscape at the foot of the Hochkönig!

Geocaching is the name of the new trend sport and can best be described as a modern treasure hunt. A “cache” stands for a treasure that is marked with geo-coordinates.

To find Peter’s treasures you need a simple GPS device, the coordinations and description of the treasure. Enter the geocoordination into the GPS device and just let it guide you to the treasure!

You can get a GPS device and the description of the treasures at the reception. Simply read the description of the treasures, enter the geo-coordinates into the GPS device and start hiking.

What could be better than setting off with children on an adventurous treasure hunt around the Arthur House?

You can find all geocaches on the Hochkönig on: